Monday, December 6, 2010

Deep Happiness by Design - at Kripalu Center

One of my great pleasures is facilitating a workshop called "Deep Happiness by Design."

The core experience of the workshop is identifying our preferred states - what we need to feel in our body to be motivated and engaged. Each of us has a brain/body blueprint that is our unique recipe for feeling on-task.

And my approach to time management flows from that. In the workshop, we journal to recall great moments and memories. We then identify the "Kodak moment" in these memories and then drill down to the feeling: how it felt in our body to be in the middle of all that. With that self-knowledge we take an honest look at our schedule. Our commitments, obligations, and relationships need to flow directly from our unique motivational blueprint.

During the holidays there are more opportunities than there is time. And we say yes to the right experiences based on this self knowledge of what our bodies most want to feel.

I'll be offering the workshop in 2011 at Infinity Foundation in Chicago, and through the Alternatives program at St James Church in London.

And in just a week or so the program will be offered at Kripalu Center in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts. There's still time to sign up right here!

Also,the journaling exercises that we use in the workshop are available (and 25% off right now) right here.

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